At Napp Beds we truly believe if you 'Sleep Better, you Live Better' having been seriously underrated in the past Sleep is fast becoming recongised as one of humans super powers.
Good Sleep is all about quality even more so then quantity, if you are getting Quality REM & DEEP Sleep this is where the magic happens. This is when we Repair, Recover & wake refreshed ready to tackle the day all over again.
Quality sleep aids cognitive performance including consolidation of memories and optimal reaction times, motor skills and coordination
Muscle repair and growth occurs during slow wave 'deep' sleep - keeping a regular sleep schedule will help your body obtain as much deep sleep as possible to aid recovery.
OUR TOP 5 SLEEP TIPS - The Lullaby of Sleep Hygiene
1. Try to stick to a schedule your body and mind respond well to going to bed and getting up at the same time.
2. Finish eating well before your bed time. In the afternoon/evening try to avoid foods and drinks that are high in sugar or caffeine.
3. Make your bedroom is your sanctuary; tidy, dark (with the lights off) and quiet. Select linen that is stylish, comfortable and suitable for the season.
4. Go to bed with a settled mind. It is a good idea to have a list of your key tasks or to-dos for the next day. Jot them down before you settle so they aren't running through your mind.
5. Have a super comfortable and supportive mattress... if you've purchased one of our Napp Mattresses you've ticked that one!
As they say in Despicable Me 'Good night, Sleep tight, Don't let the bed bugs bite.. blah, blah blah' 😴